08 March 2008

Lost 4.06 The Other Woman

While not to wild about The Other Woman, I was happy to see some new information about the Island and who is after Ben.

This episode also seemed to make us viewers believe that Juliet is one of the good guys, though I still feel she (if only because its ingrained into the mythology of the series) has an agenda we’ve yet to see.

Ben supplies enough information to Locke -that Charles Widmore is trying to find the Island -something that was eluded to in last weeks episode. I guess it just confirmed it.

We got to see yet another underground component of the Island, the Tempest. This place is where the poison that Ben used on the others so many years ago. Faraday and Charlotte -who were the red herrings of this story - turn out not to be the ones to use the poison, but render it impossible for Ben to use it again.

While Ben has more or less been creepy since his debut, he took it to a new level with his obsession with Juliet. While one can’t be surprised that Ben would fall for her, it’s just another odd bit of plotting that has made season four more standard for me -cause I still can’t get over the idea that any news network would show a dead corpse like they did the “pilot” of Oceanic Flight 815. It was a contrivance to get Frank to say that it could not be the real pilot of 815, because he had no wedding ring on.

Still, I’m enjoying this season much more than I’ve had since its beginning. And according to next week’s promo, we find out who is the sixth member of the Oceanic Six. Plus, maybe, we’ll see Michael, who I still think is Ben’s man on the boat.

But that could be a red herring, also.

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