18 December 2008

Passage: Majel Barrett-Roddenberry

It was announced today that Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, the wife of legendary Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry has passed away at the age of 76 from leukemia. Her son Rod was reported to be at her side.

Barrett-Roddenberry appeared on the original Star Trek pilot, The Cage where she played the role of Number One. That role was not continued into the series when it was picked up, but Barrett-Roddenberry changed her hair color and became nurse Christine Chapel. She also appeared in Star Trek: The Voyage Home, where she reprisesed her role. For Star Trek: The Next Generation Barrett-Roddenberry portrayed the Betazoid Lwaxana Troi, mother of counselor Deanna Troi.

She was also the voice of computers on all the recent series, including TNG, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and the new film, Star Trek due next May.

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