23 June 2005

Mom reaches 70

Today my Mom turns 70!

It boggles the mind for me to understand this. I don't even remember when my grandmother turned 70. Of course, I was 14 when she did, but that was 29 years ago. Numbers. My sister, who turned 44 at the end of May, keeps on saying that that's all it is, a number. I do feel that at times we as American's become too much aged obsessed. And while men are effected less than women, we are still defined by that number. It's worse in the gay community. I'm 42, but in gay years that's like a 120. Or even worse in Hollywood.

Anyway, she's 70. Its not old, and she looks much better than her mother at the same age. As matter of fact, with the exception of my older brother, all of my siblings are aging fairly well.

But I want to wish my mother a Happy Birthday! And while I always hoped for a better relationship with her, but I love her and honor her the best I can.

May her God go with her. Love you


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