16 June 2006

Where is Doctor Who's second season?

Back in January, when the Sci Fi Channel announced they had finally picked up the revived Doctor Who series, I pondered the question of whether the cable net would pick up series 2, that is currently airng in the UK.

While ratings for the show were not spetacular, the network did say that the series doubled the ratings in that timeslot from last year, but to be honest, they were airing reruns of their Stargate franchise, and reruns don't usually generate high ratings.

While I'm guessing programmer and all around nutcase Bonnie Hammer will take a wait and see attitude, but there are some who are speculating that the second series will begin airing on in October.

Now this is a purely hypothetical situation:

Beginning in July 14, the cable net will debut the next seasons of Staragte and Stargate: Atlantis. Each will run 10 episodes, putting the mid-season finale around September 15 -barring Sci Fi does not prempt them during the run.

Battlestar Galactica will return in October and its a good bet that IF the network will pick up the second series, that is where it coould air (most likely before BG).

For the most part, I wish the Sci Fi would say they will be airing the show now, which could help build a following. But then agian, they're airing wrestling and Law & Order - but they seem to have pulled Passions. NBC/Universal, which ownes the genre channel has little idea what to do with, evidenced by the adding of such programs.

And while I enjoy BG, I still cannot forgive them for pulling the plug on Farscape.

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