02 May 2007

Excelsior Ball II: Day 3

Finally I fell asleep at about 6 am, and got 3 ½ hours of it.

After getting John out of bed, cause he wanted to see the rough cut of Star Trek: Intrepid, I showered, packed and got to the room by just as the Scottish production was getting underway. It was just as impressive as what we’ve done on HF, with impressive FX and beautiful location work.

Visited Will, purchased JayTee’s Begging for Shorts, his compilation of all his short films, including the award winners Masturbation: Putting the Fun into Self-Loving, Drag Queen Heist and Begging for Change. Two other shorts, Sunflower and the one I worked on, And The Award Goes To...are also included on the DVD. Commentary on all the shorts is a nice bonus, plus a sweet Easter egg that brought a tear to my eye.

After another forum on technical stuff about HF, I was on the final forum with the cast talking about the final episode, It’s Hour Come Around At Last.

Then Andrew presented the fan “Favorite” section of the convention, with Favorite Villainous scene coming from my first episode I directed, The Center Cannot Hold. I had issues with that scene, and Becky, Bobby and the rest of the cast tried to make it work as scary, and less scene chewing. It wasn’t until Becky herself came up with the idea to lick Ro, did the scene finely pop.

Thanks for that, guys and girls.

As the end drew near, I sensed some did not want to leave. Rob gave a heartfelt speech and said his goodbye until next year (in which we need to find a new title for this shindig). As clean-up began, as goodbyes were said, I finally had to admit I was tired, and took off with Dale in tow.

To Barb, Karl, Alex, Katie, Jonathan, Jason, Wendy, Mike H, Mike U, Mike J and, of course Will, I hope to see you next year. To the rest, Rob, Beo, Bobby, Risha, Dave D., Wayne, Julia, Carlos, Matt, Barb, JT, Adam, John, Dan, Sharon, Heather, Sam, Dave M, I’ll be seeing you all soon (well, some of you).

And Rob, a special thanks for the letting me become part of the magic that was Hidden Frontier and the future that is Odyssey and beyond. You are an inspiration to me and a true friend.

And to the fans, thanks for supporting the cast and crew of Hidden Frontier.

To be continued...in 2008.

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