19 May 2007

Flip flop fall

I love wearing flipflops, and unless I'm working, I wear them as much as possible (and year 'round now that I live in California).

However, they can be a problem when walking. I usually get the cheap rubber ones, but I do have a few leather style ones.

So, I was walking home this evening from Staters Bros.

I had a few bags, but nothing heavy. As I crossed the street and came to the sloping curb that would take me up to the side walk, I stepped with my right foot. Some how, I miss judged the step, and only partially made slope.

Gravity shifted, my foot slipped off the flipflop and the next thing I know I'm heading for the sidewalk. My bags, in my left hand, fly upwards, as I fall downwards.

Some how, I was able to curl myself in and basically sommersaulted hitting my right elbow and landed on my right thigh -which contained my wallet and checkbook. I have a small "rug burn" scratch on my elbow, but my thigh is killing me.

Landing on the wallet was like landing on a rock, it was hard and didn't move.

I could be negative here and say that my falling was the universe telling me I should've not bought that steak I had for dinner. It was a bit expensive, but I had a taste for red meat. And it was good, all cooked on the grill.

Right now, it hurts, and I'm sure it will bruise -though I don't bruise easily. It may just do nothing but feel like a deep tissue bruise. If it does change colors, it won't happen for a few days.

And since I rode my bike, and my right knee is still acting up, I might be a gimp for a day or so. I'll take Aleve. That should help with the pain.

So, what else did I do with my Saturday night? Washed the floors in the kitchen and my bathroom.

Wow, I have no fucking life.

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