09 May 2007

Jury Duty

So, after getting skipped on Monday and Tuesday for Jury Duty, I had to go today.

Pomona court house was nice, if not so 1970's looking. Of course, I realize that when these buildings are designed, they are not for looks. Still, it looked any other court house I've been in -as a perspective juror (snatch) let me add.

I got there within 15 minutes, so I had time to find something to eat. Apparently, at least down Mission Blvd, there are no fast food joints. No Hack in the Sack, or even a damn Micky D's. What's with that?

There was a Starbucks - no surprise - but after a brief screw up on parking, my time was getting short. So I walked over to the coffee house, but discovered that there was about 8 or more people in line waiting to get jacked up on overpriced caffine.

So, I abandoned the 'bucks and headed back to the court house, getting there just in time.

The room we had to sit in was nice. About 40 or so other people were there, and we got told what was expected of us and thanked over and over again for doing what amounts to our civic duty.

After that, we were given a 1/2 break and I ventured down to the snack bar on the first floor, where I grabbed some water, a Snicker bar, and a really oily muffin. I fealt a headache coming on -note the reason I needed to eat before I got to the court was to prevent that.

Got back up to floor 7, and gobbled the snack down, along with some Aleve (which, while working great for aches and pains, sucks at getting rid of headaches). A short time later, we were all hustled down to floor 3. There we were ushered into the court room, where 21 of us we selected for the jury.

I was not drawn.

Then we listened to the nice judge aske questions of the 21 chosen, and to see how they could widdle them down to 14 (well, 12 and two alternatives). Broke for lunch at 12.

Trying to figure things out still is one of the biggest issues about living here in California. I know not where most things are, so I ended up walking the street's finding a place to eat. By pure accident, I stumbled on the antique row area of Pomona (and a Subway that seemed to be the only fast-food joint not busy).

I decided as I walked back to the court house, that I'll need to come back here when I had more time. Plus, in theory, I could even bike to the place, as it's only like five miles from here. I saw a sweet looking used bookstore, so I really want to check that out.

After lunch, the 21 was cut down like so many weeds in a psycho lawnman's backyard. But no others were called to replace and then the rest of us were FREE.

Got out at 2pm, which would've been the normal time I left work today, had I gone.

So, I'm done with Jury Duty for a year.

By the way, hot as Hell again today. And summer does not start for another 5 weeks.

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