07 May 2007

Tidbits of a Life

* Well, no jury duty today or tomorrow.

* One the real first hot days today. Something that's bound to kick in shortly; hot summer days followed by cool nights -well somewhat.

* C returned to work today after being gone a week. Asked me why I did not take the Supervisor position. I was vague, saying there was numerous reasons. He asked if it was political, which it wasn't. Would I have issues working with N? Nope, we've settled our problems. But he did hit on something. I just can't stand him. And, I'm not the only one. He's angered many of the managers and supervisors with his stand-offish ways. There are even a few employees who dislike his style. But the truth of the matter is, I don't want to stay at Borders anymore. I'm already comfortable as is, and becoming a supervisor would just make it even more comfortable for me. On a side note, I find the choice of the new supervisor very interesting. It's an unusal pick; I hope it works.

*Andrew called last night from Chicago. It was nice hearing from him. Talked to him about HF and he said he had been watching a few of the episodes. Of course, I told him to not watch the first few seasons. As with most, we suggest people start around season 5, watch through them and season 6, and then go back to get some of the backstory on some of the characters and their arcs. Of course, I told him to watch 7.07, the one I directed.

* Mothers Day card must go out tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Last year I drew my mom a picture for mothers day then I went to the mall and bought new shoes withe some friends that same day. I'm so cheap!
