01 July 2007

Bike and a flat

I got up early this morning for one reason: to go bike riding. This is the only time I've done it five days in a row. I think, though, if I did not have my iPod, biking would be a bore. Anyway, went back to the bike path that starts in Claremont and rode to its current end, the 8400 block of Grove Ave in Upland. 8 miles there, 8 miles back.

I have to think about getting new tires for the bike, as they seem to pick up every thorn on the road -or for that matter, when I was forced to ride through an unpaved area with no sidewalks. Apparently, for a moutain bike, the tires are not very sturdy. When I pulled over at Starbucks, I pulled at lrast a half-dozen thorns from both front and rear tire.

When I pulled them out of the front tire, the blue self-seal boiled out then re-sealed itself. Kind of cool to see that. However, the rear tube, being cheap and all of that, just began to loose air after I pulled 3 or 4 thorns from the tire. Stupid me for not thinking this could be a problem, 4 miles from home.

But, I had the air pump, and thought I would go to the Schwinn Bike shop at Geary and Foothill. Of course, as soon as it was pummped up, I could only go a few blocks before all the air had leaked out.


So, I get to the Schwinn shop, only to find it will not open until noon. I look at my watch: 10:00.

I sigh again, and decide to fill the tire up one more time, and I'll stop at Target and buy the more expensive, self-sealing tube and be done with it. But, on what can be a rare fortune for me, one of the workers at Schwinn had arrived early, and saw my troubles.

He was kind enough to open the back, bring my bike and fix it for $10.

So, that was cool.

While I was there, a couple arrived withy their bikes in a VW Van. Classic hippies, none the less. Anyways, was talking to the wife, and they mentioned the live in Rancho Cucumanga, and her husband rides his bike to Monrovia everyday, a 26 mile ride back and forth.

And I bitched and thought 16 miles to my store was outrageous. Maybe, just maybe, I can do this. Well, I know I can. I just got to do it. But, then again, I'm usually all talk.

Cleaned up my room, watched Doctor Who via Youtube, and then showered cause it was hot in this room. Went to Statler Bros, to get some food for dinner and next week. Going to Rob and Beo's on Tuesday to discuss a few Odyssey related things -plus, its sort of a pre 4th party, as it appears people are doing things on that day.

Marc and Brad are suppose be in from Chicago, with Wednesday probably being the only day I can see them. I can't wait, to be honest. It's been nearly year and half since I last saw Marc and nearly two since I saw his boyfriend, Brad.

This also should be an interesting week at Borders for IPT. Natasha is still gone, leaving DJ to really take on his new job by himself, and both James and Zack are gone on vacation. I wonder who will be stuck doing their sections?

Still, even with a holiday in the middle of the week and one less shipment, things can get backed up pretty damn quick.

I hate to be so, I don't know, "the sky is falling" type of guy. But, I've seen it happen too many times.

Well see.

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