01 July 2007

Doctor Who: Last of the Timelords

Ah, yes The Temporal Reset Button episode. Wonder if someone at the BBC had to pay Star Trek for the use of it, cause I thought it was a registered tradmark for Voyager and Enterprise. Shhh

Then there's the whole One Year Later thingy, stolen wholesale from Battlestar Galactica.

Like some, I thought the Futurekind were Timelords, if only because, well, it does not matter. But, it makes sense that they are the future humans, and the sub-plot of the Paradox Machine was something I missed -to be honest I thought it was a throw away.

Doddy-Doctor was cute, but pointless (though the CGI was well rendered). While I'm sure we've yet to see the last of The Master -cause that was his "human companion" that stole the ring (ala 1980's Flash Gordon)- I'm not so sure what the purpose it was to show it. I mean, she kills him (what was the sudden reason for her to defy the Master?) and then steals the ring. This is sloppy filmmaking (not counting the TRB) at best.

Also, how many of you who watched the Master burn on the funeral pyre (with an almost shot for shot steal from Return of the Jedi), did you expect the camera to pull up to the sky and see fireworks and Ewoks?

What I've heard about for Doctor Who season four seems good. I mean, the show has to evolve, and even though Martha is not a companion any more -and hearing she'll also be a part of Torchwood - I think its good the way RTD keeps changing the show around.

After all, the series -at least in this much updated version - cannot be like its first incarnation. While old Who has its charms, if RTD kept to that format, the series would become dull and predictable (now its just semi-predictable).

Plus, beyond stealing from Star Trek, BG and Star Wars, RTD seems to be channeling Joss Whedon. Oh well, its still better than According to Jim.

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