29 May 2008

Michelle Malkin: A special kind of idiot

So there's this conversative wing-nut named Michelle Malkin, who, of course, hates liberals and thinks she's better than almost everyone.

Anywho, this nut-job went after a recent Dunkin Donut's ad featuring Rachel Ray wearing a fringed black-and-white scarf that Malkin says offers symbolic support for Muslim extremism and terrorism.

She said in her column that the "scarf" Ray is wearing resembles a kaffiyeh and she wrote "for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not-so-ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons."

In a statement, Dunkin Donuts said the scarf had a paisley design, and was selected by a stylist for the advertising shoot. "Absolutely no symbolism was intended," the company said.

According to Amahl Bishara, an anthropology lecturer at the University of Chicago who specializes in media matters relating to the Middle East, said "I think that a right-wing blogger making an association between a kaffiyeh and terrorism is just an example of how so much of the complexity of Arab culture has been reduced to a very narrow vision of the Arab world on the part of some people in the U.S.," Bishara said in a phone interview. "Kaffiyehs are worn every day on the street by Palestinians and other people in the Middle East - by people going to work, going to school, taking care of their families, and just trying to keep warm."

While some extremists and terrorists may wear kaffiyehs, "To reduce their meaning to support for terrorism has a tacit racist tone to it," Bishara said.

Wow, you know, people like Malkin are xenophobic, rascist ass wipes who should be called on what they claim they think the world should be. They have a narrow, black and white, right and wrong point of view that divides Americans along party lines. Plus, they use their misguided power to convince older Americans, ones who are afriad to ask real, hard hitting questions that terrorist are going to strike at their home tomorrow.

What a useless turd she is.

1 comment:

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

HA! I'll have to remember this the next time I see an ad where some guy is wearing a plain white T-shirt. After all, they're frequently worn by neo-Nazi skinheads, so any business that uses one in their ads must be identifying themselves with...

What is really wonder is does Malkin believe this shit she's spewing, or is she just trying to stir up controversy to get attention? Or to create a media storm to distract from some other story...