26 May 2008

Minor rant?

When I was a kid, on holidays such as today -Memorial Day - stores closed so people could do what the holiday was meant to be, honor those who gave up their lives to keep America free. You went to a parade, listened to politicians, had picnics and enjoyed the day with family and friends.

Now, it's a day to shop.

Why? Have we become so politically correct that stores have to be open for the people who don't give a hoot for what the holiday means? In that theory, then, should then all stores be open on, say, Christmas? It's a Christian holiday, but there are loads and loads of non-believers, non-christians and agnostics out there who are forced to deal with that holiday and stay home because 90% of stores are closed on that day -drug stores and other convience stores don't count, as that's what they were designed for, which is to be open when the regular store is closed.

We were busy at work, with people coming and going, spending money they don't have on things they really don't need. They wander around enjoying a holiday and probably don't understand, or don't care, what Memorial Day was about.

But big business rukes all these days. Big buisness, in it's mad dash for the God almighty dollar, has deciceded to keep store open just because a small percentage of people might be pissed off that they can't get the lastest Dean Koontz book on Tuesday -not to mention Saturday or Sunday.

Hey, all I'm saying is that maybe being open on a holiday such as Memorial Day is okay, just maybe keep holiday hours, such as 12 to 6. You don't have to be open all fraken day.

Oh well.

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