15 July 2008


This Saturday marks the fortieth anniversary of the passing of my father. It astounds me every year when this time comes around, and I realize how much time has slipped away.

I have very little memory of him, though he is kept alive in pictures that I have of him. I have an uncle who keeps his memory alive when we get together. He can tell many tales of my father.

But it astounds me that I've lived nearly all my life without him. Its bizarre to think that 40 years has gone without him here. And I wonder, a lot now, what life we all would’ve lead had he not died on that July day in 1968. I know its silly, and ultimately pointless, but I still would like to see a "what if" version of my world.

I cannot say that not having him here would've been better, but deep down in my brain, I believe it would've. And despite the many rows I heard they used to have (from my mother), I still think that would've stayed married.

Anyways, I miss him.

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