17 February 2009

Let those doggies roam

For the few people who come here, I've been pretty loose about updating the blog. I spend most of the time on Facebook (which, BTW, I love reading about this uproar over their new terms of use. The reality about your content on Facebook is that its been there since the day you signed up - it's just something users don't think about until something like this happened. In reality, we're giving Facebook rights to look for advertising revenue, and I think that the change in the terms of service apparently surprised people).

One idea, I guess when I started this back in early 2005, was to write. I like to write, and thought (as most narcists do) that my life would prove interesting, all while honing my skills. It strikes me now that I have no skills when it comes to writing and my life was duller than week old dish water.

And who wants to hear me whine about being sick?

Even though I went to Las Vegas this past weekend, does anyone really care?

Screw you, then.

I like Vegas, but if you don't have any money, it kind gets old very quick. Gambling and shopping are what the city is built on, but would it kill them to put an Outlet Center on the strip? Of course, they would never do that. Like a Wal Mart, who wants that class of clientele that a center would bring in?

Anyways, you need money to buy anything there, along with money to gamble. I have none, so after a few hours, Vegas becomes, well, boring. The city is beautiful at night, I'll give it that. I could spend hours just wandering around looking at it all lite up like some twisted Christmas Tree.

And the people watching is extraordinary, such a huge cross section of humanity. Plenty of cute boys mixed in, so plenty of eye candy for me. But the people I find interesting.

I mean, what goes through the minds of people as they play games that are highly set against them? I'm sure they know they're losing more than they're gaining, but to sit there for hours on end, smoking one cigarette after another, it baffles and amuses the mind.

And the smoking. My God, now I know where all the smokers went. There was a smoker at every table I saw, every one-armed bandit and electronic poker. And despite the venting system designed to keep the place clear of smoke, the smell is everywhere.

But the place is a smoker haven. And that, my friends, is a strike against it.

I have such high morals. Eh?

Anyways, getting back to the start, I'll try to find something interesting to write about, but the odds are slim things are going to change.

There is Borders I could talk about, but that seems senseless now. The company spins, and here locally, our DM continues to let good people go because of his style of management. Lyly, my favorite GM and who has been an important influence on me, is leaving the company after a million years, literally because of him. It's become a trend since he took over, almost forcing the best GMs to leave with his "unique" style of management. Of course, HR is well aware of his antics, but he's done nothing wrong. He's smart, and probably good at what he does, so you know he'll never slip up. It's sad, that's all. Good people, good GM's are gone because of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Lost your email. Email me so I can restock it.

We were gonna meet up tomorrow (but that was about a month ago). You still game?
