03 January 2008

Sometimes, I'm just slow

On New Years Eve, while I was sorting through the final shippment of 2007 at work, I kinda felt sluggish, tired. I even told my GM, who was trying to find some Grammy Paperchase stuff, that I just did not want to do this, that I could be home, sleeping.

Then, or course, I was asleep before the New Year.

Yesterday, as I'm about to get off of work, I swallowed -as one is to do - but I realized that it hurt. Then I knew, as my colds usually follow a pattern. One day of feeling awfully tired, followed by a nice day and then the sore throat. I'll have that for about 3 days or so, then the cold will start.

I've got stuff here, including NyQuil -which, by the way, gives me weird dreams. I also have my Airborne, so while the cold will come, maybe I can lessen it.

And, I should not be surprised. Everyone at work has been sick, so my time was due. And getting a cold once, maybe twice a year is not bad. And since I rarely get the flu, or even really sick -gosh, I cannot remember when I've been struck by the stomach flu (knock wood) -I'm not that bothered by it.

Still, it will make Saturday's shoot problematic. But we'll see what happens in two days.

Rain is due here. They had said as early as tonight, but now its due sometime tomorrow afternoon. It's suppose to be doosey, a lot of rain and snow up in the moutains and the higher elevations of the San Bernardino hills.

But, as always, I won't hold my breath.

I'm also taking Monday off, after discovering I have some 82 hours of personal time and 72 hours of vacation. If I had something to do -and money to go with it - I would take a month off of work!

Still, I need to save some for June and, perhaps (depending on costs), a trip back to Chicago.

But, I'm tired and maybe I can use these days to get somewhere in my job search.

What do tou think?

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