15 May 2007

Jerry Fallwell dies

I want to feel conflicted here, I really do. Can you be happy and sad at the same time?

But no matter what some of the Conservative Right will say, there are many people who are happy at the death of this man.

I will not say he was evil, only highly misguided. Yes, he might've softened his rhetoric over the years, but I cannot forget the things he did in the name of his God:

(Thanks to Famous Like Me)

1) Created the Moral Majority - because who better to dictate what is right or wrong than a bigot?

2) Helped Ronald Reagan win the presidency (y'know, the President that refused to acknowledge the AIDS crisis even as it was killing thousands of Americans?)

3) Blamed September 11 on pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians & the ACLU

4) Said "AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals"

5) Supported racial segregation, oftentimes criticizing Martin Luther King, Jr's work

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW sounds like an evil man.