16 March 2008

Winter's last gasp

The weekend brought a reminder that it's still -somewhat - winter here in SolCal. While yesterday was a nice, if cool day, by late afternoon it began to rain. I was in Pasadena, at the studio, at a production meeting for the upcoming feature-length crossover episode Operation Beta Shield when it started to rain.

And, hail and thunderstorm. Both very rare here. Being up in the hills, somewhat, causes this, but it still was interesting. Anyways, got what we needed to get done, including seeing the schedule.

Due to some actors availability, we'll be shooting two days during the week. Both are suppose to be done by 11pm, which is when I'm suppose to be in bed because I'm up at 5. But we'll see how it plays out.

The rest are on Saturday until the three day shoot in June. I'm taking the week off, so no problem there. Plus, one of the three days of those June shoots includes beginning work on the next project linked to Odyssey and The Helena Chronicles.

Anyway, today has been cloudy, a bit breezy and cool. It's 60 now, and I don't think it got much higher than 65. Just a reminder, that while winter is almost over, its still winter none the less.

The pics above are of the clouds above my house. I thought they were interesting. Of course, I'm under no illusion anyone else will find the interesting.

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

I love a good hailstorm and thunderboomer. That happened a few times when I worked at the Ritz in Pasadena. It's those stark mountains that do it. Loved the cloud pics.