19 February 2008


I'm at a loss at how to tell someone that there is a Yoko Ono in our midst.

Of course, using that name to apple to an issue is sort of rude, but it's one way to explain a very tricky situation.

And I feel that if someone does not say something soon, I may end up leaving my second, nonpaying job that has made me happy for the last two years.

But how much do I let go before saying something -because goodness knows, I can't keep my mouth shut forever. How many more people will choose to leave, if only to avoid dealing with a certain person?

And do I have even a right to say anything? Should I just depart, and let things go the way the universe wants? Or take the risk and say something that will probably end my relationship with this endevour anyways?

And am I getting, finally, what LA is really about?

But the sad part, I think, there is no one I can really speak to this about, without fear of it getting back to said Ono.

Sorry about the random words not adding up. But, I am at a crossroads with this project and I'm unsure how to proceed.

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