04 December 2007

Heroes Generations ends; Villains begins (but when is anybodys guess)

While the last five episodes of Heroes sort of made up for the first six, bland and pointless ones, last night's final chapter (season ender?) of Generations story line was pretty cool.

And while the NBC promo guy said the series would return in 2008, he was a bit shy on when. Of course, its return hinges on the writers strike. Before production was shut down more than a month ago, 14 episodes where in the can, so to speak, but only eleven would be aired. That meant three remain unaired and 10, out of the 24 NBC ordered, unfilmed. If the strike ends by years end -now four weeks away -production would resume as early as January 7, but new episodes would not be ready until probably March. Even so, the strike would cause the season to be shortened, thus no 24 epsiodes for season 2.

While the episode is not as frantic as the first season finale, much goes on. We have the death of two heroes, though one suspects that Nathan will be saved by a certain cheerleaders blood. I like Adrian Pasdar, and he brings a certain higher quality of acting to his role, and will be missed if he is really dead.

This, of course, brings up who shot him (something I said was going to happen just before the bullets flew). There is a chance that recently resurrected HRG guy did it, but since the press conference looked hastily put together, I don't think Noah could get from Texas to California in such a short time.

Another hasty thing about the ending was how Hiro was able to get Adam locked in the coffin (and what happen to the body that was in there?). I mean, how could he teleport into it all?

The ending, or is it the begining as volume three begins with Villains. We see Sylar shooting up like a junkie in the alley as he gets his power back, after it was revealed he was carrying the Shanti virus. We see him snatch an empty can of spinach from the ground (and causing me to invoke an image of Popeye in my head) into his hand as he evily says "I'm back."

So, as it seems, this half a season of Heroes is over. It was indeed bumpy, with too much time spent away from the main characters, but I still enjoy the show, and hope that they keep up the momentum when the series return -whether it be this spring, or fall of next year.

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